Sarah Palin is the governor of the state with the highest rate of rape per capita. Rather than being part of the solution, she is part of the problem. (ABC)

Alaska leads the nation in reported forcible rapes per capita, according to the FBI, with a rate two and a half times the national average–a ranking it has held for many years. Children are no safer: Public safety experts believe that the prevalence of rape and sexual assault of minors in Alaska makes the state’s record one of the worst in the U.S. And while solid statistics on domestic violence are hard to come by, most–including Gov. Palin–agree it is an “epidemic.”

Despite the governor’s pro-family image, public safety experts and advocates for women and children struggled when asked to explain how Palin’s leadership has helped address the crisis. And current and former officials from Palin’s administration confirmed that an ambitious plan to tackle the crisis has apparently sunk into doldrums after arriving at the governor’s office.

“She’s really done a lot of work on oil and gas, but when it comes to violence against women and children. . . we haven’t been on her radar as a priority,” said Peggy Brown, executive director of the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. The Juneau-based group is an umbrella organization for shelters and anti-violence programs around the state.

By ignoring and underfunding the problem, not to mention charging women for their own rape kits, she sends a clear message to her constituents and women all over the country just how little she values our safety.

State troopers respond to most domestic violence calls outside of Alaska’s major cities, but they’re too short-staffed and under-funded to do it well, according to Robert Claus, a recently retired trooper.

“The training says you always respond to domestic violence with two people, [but] for most of my career that hasn’t been possible,” said Claus, who lives on the remote island he patrolled for 15 years. “So how do you go down the list and do what you’re supposed to do – separate the people, transport one person while taking care of the kids and victim? You have to pick and choose. We haven’t seen the money to do that.”

Why would Palin choose to be part of the problem rather than part of the solution?

  • Of the 74.7% of Alaskans who have experienced or know someone who has experienced domestic violence and sexual assault, 66.5% tried to access services in their community orencouraged others to do so.
  • 28.6% did not access services or encourage others to do so because there were no services available at the time. (ANDVSA)

Was she distracted by Troopergate?

Whatever the excuse, it’s not good enough. Yet another example of how “A woman candidate is not the same thing as a woman’s candidate. Sarah Palin does not speak for me.” (Buy the shirt at feministing)