The Women’s Media Center invites you to submit your questions to be asked at the Presidential Debate! We want to hear from you on issues that matter to, and affect, women. Click here to submit your questions, and continue reading below for information about the WMC’s initiative to add women’s voices to these historic and deeply significant debates.

The public responded to Show Me The Women, and so did one of the moderators Bob Schieffer of CBS. He is moderating the October 15 debate which focuses on domestic issues, and he invited The Women’s Media Center and its supporters to give him suggestions for questions he should ask at the debate. We have contacted the other moderators and requested that they accept our questions as well. To date, none have agreed.

The deadline to submit questions will be 5 p.m. EST on Wednesday, October 1st .

Since all three Presidential debate moderators are old, white men (much like one of the candidates), there is a serious need for diverse voices to be represented. Cheers to Bob Schieffer for inviting our questions. Now we’ll see if he uses any of them!