Keeping John McCain far away from making decisions about reproductive health…PRICELESS.

Brave New PAC

…and I’m not talking about Sarah Palin.

We seem to be using this generic term to refer to the “common voter,” like John Q. Public or Jane Doe.

But we are forgetting that more women than men have voted in every election since 1964. So why is it that when politicians try to associate themselves with the average voter, they don’t acknowledge that she’s a woman?

Women are not a special interest group; we are the majority! And on election day, we show up.

Women Voters in the U.S. by Kellyanne Conway

Women Voters in the U.S. by Kellyanne Conway

Marianne Schnall has a great piece on the Huffington Post featuring several renowned women’s voices on Palin and the election. While I get frustrated by the fact that politicians and the media pretend to care about “what women want” during an election year, and then quickly dump us after we get them elected, I do appreciate hearing several women’s perspectives on important issues.

Despite what the media initially reported, women are not at all flocking to the McCain-Palin ticket just because Palin is a woman. In fact, quite the opposite is happening. Palin is driving women to speak up for what’s at stake. Several blogs have popped up featuring women against palin.

I know that some people genuinely like Sarah Palin, but is it enough to make them vote for her? As her ignorance on the issues becomes increasingly obvious, will women continue to flock to Obama or other third party candidates? Or will the fact that she performs so poorly make women feel sorry for her and rally behind her? I must admit, that after the Couric interview I have begun to feel bad for the position Palin finds herself in. The McCain campaign’s treatment of her is incredibly sexist (Free Sarah Palin!), shielding her from reporters and only using her as a pretty face for photo ops. But will women recognize the sexism and rush to support Sarah Palin? I don’t think so. She hasn’t earned it.

I have a theory that’s picking up steam. John McCain really offended women with his choice of Sarah Palin. In the past few weeks, every time a woman interviews McCain or one of his surrogates, they ask the tough questions they’ve been largely avoiding throughout this campaign. It’s even happening on Fox News and The View!

The latest in the series of women asking the tough questions came this morning from Meredith Vieira.

Unwilling to let McCain play dumb (like usual when he doesn’t want to answer a question) she follows up about Carly Fiorina’s compensation package. He insists that she did a good job as CEO and that he doesn’t know the details of her ‘golden parachute.’ Vieira presses further, noting that he’s been complaining all week about the fat cat CEOs who get big bucks while their employees get laid off. She reminds McCain that Fiorina is “an example of exactly the kind of person you say is at the root of the problem.” (ThinkProgress)

UPDATE: More women speaking out on McCain-Palin: Campbell Brown, Wanda Sykes, Andrea Mitchell, Shushannah Walshe, Lilly Ledbetter, …