Good advice from Ellen’s ‘common cement’ speech at Tulane:

Life is like one big Mardi Gras

But instead of showing your boobs, show people your brain

And if they like what they see, youll have more beads than you know what to do with

It turns my stomach to think that I have had to work  nearly four months this year to equal my husband’s wages from last year. We have the same education and qualifications, but our work is not valued the same.

Why April 28? The typical woman worker had to toil all of 2008 and through April 28, 2009 to earn the equivalent of her male counterpart’s earnings in 2008 alone. (Center for American Progress)

Check out several great posts from the National Women’s Law Center’s Blog for Fair Pay Day 2009 here.  For a great Equal Pay primer, check out “Why Arent’ We There Yet?

As RobinNWLC points out, women often have no way of knowing if we are being paid fairly. That’s why we need the Paycheck Fairness Act.

The Act would deter wage discrimination by closing loopholes in the EPA and barring retaliation against workers who disclose their wages. The bill also allows women to receive the same remedies for sex-based pay discrimination that are currently available to those subject to discrimination based on race and national origin. (NWLC)

Click here to urge your senators to support the Paycheck Fairness Act!

Most of the time I hear Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice, I change the station. It irks me how he always seems to be joking about things I do not find funny. It’s a trait George W. possessed as well. I think it betrays their inability to discuss the situation at hand intelligently, like the class clown who acted out because he couldn’t read.

Californians are suffering. The budget has been hung up for months, over what increasingly looks like Republicans’ failed ideological stance against raising taxes. They even ousted their leader last night, during their budget nightmare sleepover that failed to reach an agreement. Due to the lack of one Republican vote, 20,000 people are getting pink slips in our state. Those are real people who probably would have chosen to pay a few more cents on the dollar in taxes to losing their jobs and their abilities to support their families.

Why is it that when it’s time to find places to tighten our belts, the first programs to go are those that benefit women and children? Who decided that education, health care and the Violence Against Women Act were pork? ThinkProgress notes that the proposed cuts to make the bill more “stimulative” (which of course leave tax cuts untouched, contrary to Economics 101), disproportionately affect women and children.

These cuts would include:

$150 million cut to the Violence Against Women Act

$50 million to the Victims of Crime Act

$25 million to the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Forces

$1.1 billion to Head Start

$50 million to Teacher Quality Partnership Grants

$5.2 billion for Prevention And Wellness (including diabetes screening and HIV testing)

$13.9 billion for Pell Grants

$2 billion for Child Care Development Block Grants (ThinkProgress)

Basically, the conservatives have decided that anything that isn’t tax cuts is “pork.” So, like President Obama, when you hear their criticisms just ask yourself, “Are these folks serious?” What I want to know is, how are they planning to face their constituents after voting against programs like Headstart and Pell Grants in these tough times?

Today President Obama signed his first piece of major legislation

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act!

He reminds us that we’re all created equal, and each of us deserves a chance to pursue our own version of happiness.

Thank you, Mr. President. This is long overdue. And it is not lost on the world of feminism that this was the first (major) bill you have chosen to sign.

MomsRising has a campaign going on in support of Fair Pay. They are gathering signatures to get the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act moving forward again.

Sign the petition here.

Also, check out new research on the pay gap between men and women. You can calculate the average pay gap (over a career) for women in your state by occupation and education.

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Act now!

Now I know the McCain campaign has become desperate. They are getting slammed on the economy, so they’ve resorted to a last ditch attempt to smear Obama’s character. A few things about that: 1) the Wright/Ayers/terrorist claims are old and tired, 2) they promised to run a clean, respectful campaign, so they just look like pitiful liars, and 3) these smears only work with people who were already voting for McCain.

Today they seem to be reaching out to this voter, and others like him. It’s sad. But at some point we must draw the line.

So today at a rally in Florida, when Sarah Palin started talking about Barack Obama someone in the crowd yelled “kill him!” Seriously? I hope that person got singled out by the Secret Service and questioned, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

Is that really how you want to win? And is this really someone we’re going to elect President? Someone who stands by while his fellow American, his fellow colleague from the Senate gets called a “terrorist” and he says nothing. A man who has his own questionable associations, but allows his running mate to accuse Obama of ‘palling around with terrorists.’ Come on, now. We deserve better than that. And our grandchildren, who are going to inherit this mess that this kind of shamelessness created, deserve better than that.

The Rachel Maddow Show

The Republican Party’s leadership apparently doesn’t speak for the Republican Party, which means it’s not really leadership.

I have a theory that’s picking up steam. John McCain really offended women with his choice of Sarah Palin. In the past few weeks, every time a woman interviews McCain or one of his surrogates, they ask the tough questions they’ve been largely avoiding throughout this campaign. It’s even happening on Fox News and The View!

The latest in the series of women asking the tough questions came this morning from Meredith Vieira.

Unwilling to let McCain play dumb (like usual when he doesn’t want to answer a question) she follows up about Carly Fiorina’s compensation package. He insists that she did a good job as CEO and that he doesn’t know the details of her ‘golden parachute.’ Vieira presses further, noting that he’s been complaining all week about the fat cat CEOs who get big bucks while their employees get laid off. She reminds McCain that Fiorina is “an example of exactly the kind of person you say is at the root of the problem.” (ThinkProgress)

UPDATE: More women speaking out on McCain-Palin: Campbell Brown, Wanda Sykes, Andrea Mitchell, Shushannah Walshe, Lilly Ledbetter, …